Stay Curious. Try Alpha

Explore Life, Faith & Meaning

Alpha is a course that explores the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment.

Over 11 weekly sessions you’ll watch a short film on different aspects of Christianity, then have time to chat it through with a friendly hosted group. You can say anything you like or nothing at all!

The next course starts Tuesday 10th September, 7:30pm

How it works:
  1. Sign Up - click the button below and fill out the online form so we know you're planning on coming.
  2. Turn Up - join us for the first session, have a cup of tea or coffee and we'll get started!
  3. Make Up Your Mind - see what you think about Alpha. It might just change your life.
Be part of something bigger
  • Join a friendly and welcoming group
  • Find confidence and meaning in your life
  • Understand why Jesus is so important to Christians

We look forward to hosting you at Alpha.

Sign-up to

Courses we run

Making space for questions and conversations about faith, life and God.
Intro To Arun
find out more
Find out more about Arun Church; our vision, values and history.
Keys To Living
find out more
Explore how your faith in Jesus affects your life!
Keys To Freedom
find out more
Live free and stay free!
Life To The Full
find out more
Helping you discover your purpose, and how to make a difference.